work with us in our
B4T businesses

To excel in our dynamic internship program, candidates should meet the following requirements, ensuring a foundation for a rewarding and educational experience.

How to Request a Mintegrity Intern

Academic in Asia, a group of 70+ foreign teachers, and Mintegrity, a network of young Chinese professionals, have come together to provide leadership development opportunities. We are equipping aspiring youths with the proper tools to become successful leaders with integrity that can adapt and succeed in an ever-expanding corporate world. Students have spent time processing how to become leaders of integrity: the overlap of how one Believes, Speaks and Acts is Integrity. People of Integrity are who we develop. We invite your company to model where integrity works.

Real Value Creation

As a business looking to hire interns from this program, you will receive the following benefits:
  • Interns with cross-cultural training and influenced by many International Teachers.
  • Trained workers who can quickly adapt to your work environment and provide an insider point-of-view.
  • An opportunity to get the first choice of talented grads from a university influenced by “Western Values.”
  • A decrease in employee acquisition costs if you decide to hire interns into long-term positions.
  • The benefit of knowing that interns will function with integrity and a high moral standard.
  • Helping with the long-term mobilization goal to see Chinese talent move from East China to West China.


Employer Agreement Survey

Mintegrity connects people of integrity with companies, coaches, trainers and mentors of integrity. By agreeing to the following statements we are asking you to hold us accountable to integrity. You are also giving us permission to challenge you to keep our people we refer to you accountable in these areas.

How it work

September and October
Foreign teachers recommend Sias students to intern for Mintegrity.
November and December
Students complete the Mintegrity Culture and Leadership Training.
Senior students share their resume with your business.
December and January
Student interns are interviewed by your company and you inform me of your top choices.
January and February
Interns choose which company to work for and sign a contract.
March to August

Interns work for 12-24 weeks March to August (working 30 hours a week and learning local culture 10 hours a week)

  • Interns pay their own long-distance transportation to your city.
  • Businesses provide a salary to cover housing, local transportation, food for interns and 100 RMB per week to Mintegrity to subsidize operating expenses.
  • Interns work on a SWOT analysis project with a written and videotaped presentation at the end of their internship.
Before May 1st
Offer full-time employment to the interns you want to hire.
May 23 to July 3
Interns will be back to their University to graduate, moving out, see family, and help with Mintegrity summer internship recruitment and orientation.
July 5th
Earliest date for employment.

Intern Specifics:

From Sias International University (the first American-owned University in Central China). From Sunshine International Camp (top 50 universities), The Way To Success Servant Leadership Course, Bring Me Hope, or Co-Serve International. Recommended by foreign teachers from Academics In Asia .

Program Details

WHO – businesses that emphasize cultural immersion, integrity and servant leadership in Qinghai, Yunnan, and Xinjiang are the target market for 2019. Any city will work, but we prioritize the locations where we can have a cohort of 6+ interns in a region. Please refer companies to

PREVIOUS BUSINESSES – GreenHouse Coffee of Xining (2012 to 2015, 2017), Circa Imports (2014), Starfish Project (2014), Bowman’s Ice Cream (2014) and Erui Software (2014), Torch Coffee Yunnan (2015), Luban Woodworking Factory Xinjiang (2015, 2017), Above the Clouds Art Studio in Yunnan (2016), Snow Mountain Creamery (2017), Mustard Seed Travel (2017), QiaoXi Sports Camps (2017) and Cafe Awake in Yunnan (2017). These interns served in various capacities but with an emphasis on marketing research, sales, canvassing, customer service, written translation, and business plan proposals.

WHY – The goal of the Mintegrity Internship is to provide valuable culture and work experience for gifted college students. Most of our students are based in Henan province, a region that does not have many opportunities for students to experience culture. Our hope is that the interns experience West China and respond to “the Call West for a Career!”

WHAT to Expect – A 12-week Spring or 5-week Summer internship with a day of orientation and a day of debriefing. The students will come to learn and serve. Businesses will employ between 2-4 interns. Businesses will be able to review intern resumes and the businesses are the ones who hire the interns. They will interview up to 3 applicants per position available. Interns will work up to 40 hours a week during the internship.

WHERE – Businesses in Yunnan, Qinghai, and Xinjiang will be given the first priority to get a minimum of 6 interns in a region. Housing not provided by host companies will be coordinated by Mintegrity City Team Leader for interns.

WHEN – Orientation for interns will be in October for Spring Internships and early July for Summer internships at Sias University. Spring internships will be from March 5 to May 28th in 2018 (12 Weeks) and Summer internships will be July 9 to August 10 in 2018 Mintegrity will provide a debrief orientation at Sias in late August.

COST – Interns will pay their own transportation to and from your company. Businesses will provide Mintegrity interns one meal per workday and housing or 300RMB/week to pay for their own housing. A salary of 100RMB/week will be given to interns to help them with local transportation, 100RMB/week towards Mintegrity fees. Total cost per intern for 1 week is 500 RMB or 200RMB per week if housing is provided. Fees can be paid up front or weekly. A placement fee of 1 month salary is required to offer full-time employment to a Mintegrity intern. Sample MOU available upon request.

NEXT STEPS – Contact us to express interest. Aaron will follow up with you and send you a company survey to fill out and a draft MOU agreement for your to review.